速報APP / 醫療 / AB Listening Adventures

AB Listening Adventures



檔案大小:48 MB


版本需求:需要 iOS 7.0 或以上版本。與 iPad 相容。


AB Listening Adventures(圖1)-速報App

AB Listening Adventures is an app that helps children with hearing loss practice listening for words in sentences. Play 6 different story based games that work with whatever listening targets you want from Multiple Elements, Plurals, Pronouns, or Minimal Pairs. The app is designed to be used with an adult and a child…together! The child listens to the adult name two pictures in a sentence. The child should then tap each of those pictures to progress in the game.

•Just over 100 sets of words from four categories: Multiple Elements, Plurals, Pronouns, or Minimal Pairs (organized by difficulty for listening).

•Stars a child with bilateral listening technology.

•6 games to choose from: Two games are competitive and four more are cooperative (the players work together to win together)

AB Listening Adventures(圖2)-速報App

•Fun sound effects and character voices respond to the cards you drop in the game.

•You have the option to toggle off music while explaining the beginning slides to a child.

•Lots of opportunities for teaching both sentence structure and vocabulary.

•We are kid safe! No in-app purchases offered or links that take you out of the app.

AB Listening Adventures(圖3)-速報App

Requires iPad 2 or higher

AB Listening Adventures(圖4)-速報App
